Judicial Review
Canada visa refusal
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Oluwadamilola Asuni

 In this article, all your questions regarding the appeal for rejecting the application have been answered. At the end of the article, by filling out the assesment form, the support team of Crest Attorneys will contact you.

Key Steps to Take When Faced with a Canada Visa Application Rejection

Judicial review is the process of applying to the court for the review of unfair or unreasonable visa rejection decisions by administrative decision-makers. In the immigration context, the decision makers whose decisions could be subject to judicial review include visa officers of the Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada; officers of the Canada Border Service Agency; members of the Immigration Appeal Division and Refugee Appeal Division etc. Nearly all immigration-related administrative decisions could be subject to judicial review.

What Distinguishes Crest Attorneys From Other Firms?

If a visa officer or any administrative decision-maker has unreasonably or unfairly refused your immigration application, Crest Attorneys would be glad to help you engage in the judicial review process. Crest Attorneys has extensive experience in representing clients for judicial review of all types of immigration application decisions so Crest Attorneys will ensure to effectively represent your interest and protect your rights within the allowable limits of the law and the applicable ethical standards.


The purpose of the judicial review is to upturn unfair and unreasonable refusal decisions. Crest Attorneys have successfully helped hundreds of clients upturn unfair and unreasonable refusal decisions of immigration applications including study permit and work permit refusals so Crest Attorneys has the experience and expertise to also help you upturn unfair refusal decisions.


Crest Attorneys considers client’s economic realities, so our fees are extremely competitive and affordable. At Crest Attorneys, there is no one-size-fits-all as our services are deliberately tailored for specific client needs to help clients make the best decision to save cost.

Crest Attorneys have successfully helped hundreds of clients upturn unfair and unreasonable refusal decisions of immigration applications including study permit and work permit refusals

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Judicial Review Process

 In a judicial review, the party who institutes the judicial review is the applicant while the party representing the visa officer or administrative decision maker is the respondent. After a refusal decision, the applicant has 60 days to start the judicial review if the immigration application was submitted from outside Canada but the applicant has 15 days to start the judicial review if the immigration application was submitted from inside Canada. However, if the applicant is unable to start the judicial review within the prescribed time frame, it is still possible to start the judicial review outside the prescribed time frame if there is a reasonable explanation for the delay and if the explanation is acceptable to the court. Crest Attorneys has experience with helping clients apply for judicial review outside the prescribed time frame.  


Crest Attorneys has experience with helping clients apply for judicial review outside the prescribed time frame.

Judicial Review Process Diagram

1. You recieve rejection letter from IRCC

After receiving a rejection letter from IRCC, if you are inside Canada, you have a 15-day time limit for initiating the judicial review. If you are outside of Canada, the time limit is 60 days for pursuing this process.

2. Your case will be filed in federal court by lawyer

The first step in a judicial review is to file the Application for Leave and Judicial Review at the registry of the Federal Court.  

3. IRCC sends the rejection reasons to the court.

The federal court registry will then request the reasons for the refusal from the decision maker and copies of the reasons will be provided to the applicant and the respondent

4. Your lawyer filed the Memo.

The applicant must submit their application record (which mainly consist of their memorandum of argument, affidavit, and the documents that were submitted in their application to the visa officer etc) to the court registry within 30 days of receiving the reasons for the refusal.

5. The IRCC lawyer may file a memo in response to your lawyer's memo

the respondent may either offer to settle the judicial review or present their own argument to the court. If the respondent offers to settle and if the applicant accepts the settlement offer, a notice of discontinuance will be filed at the registry of the court to discontinue the judicial review.

6. The judge makes a decision

If the respondent rather presents their argument to the court, then the parties have to wait for a Judge to review the arguments and decide whether to grant leave for the judicial review to commence.

Judge Desicion

Stage 7 and stage 8 are where the judge makes a decision about your application, determining whether it can proceed in the process or if your appeal will be dismissed

7. The judge grants permission to proceed with the appeal in the Federal Court

If leave is granted, a date for oral hearing will be fixed but the option to propose a settlement remains open to the respondent until the oral hearing is held. If an oral hearing is held, the parties have to wait for a decision to be made by the judge.

8 . The judge dismisses the case

the matter will not continue , but you can re-apply again

7. The judge grants permission to proceed with the appeal in the Federal Court

If the judge allows the case to enter the court, sets a time for the hearing: usually between 30 and 90 days after granting the leave.

8 . The judge dismisses the case

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9. Recive settelmnt letter

The settlement, in simple terms, means IRCC accepts its mistake, and the previous decision will be set aside.
between stage 2 to 8 it is possible to receive settlement letter from IRCC

What is a Hearing Session in Federal Court of Canada?

Most of the judicial review cases handled by Crest Attorneys are settled. However, if a judicial review case goes to oral hearing, Crest Attorneys will do its best to represent the client’s interest. If the judicial review is settled or if the oral hearing is successful and a favorable decision is issued by the judge, the decision maker will be required to reopen and redetermine the refused immigration application,

Our Most Recent Hearing Session Success :

Settlement letter

In the above judicial review process diagram, you may get a settlement letter between stages 2-8.

What is a settlement letter in simpler terms?

The IRCC provides you with the opportunity to have your application re-evaluated by different visa officers. During this review, they typically request additional documents, such as a letter of acceptance, bank statements, and client information.

Below is an image of a settlement letter, allowing you to see its contents and understand what is typically included in such a document.

 Our experience at Crest Attorneys is that immigration applications that are redetermined after a successful judicial review have a 98% approval rate. 

What Comes Next After You Receive the Settlement Letter?

After receiving the settlement letter, your application will be sent to the IRCC for review by another officer. During this process, the officer may request additional documents, causing your application status to change from ‘refused’ to ‘action required

IRCC typically asks for:

  • Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
  • Updated bank statement
  • 6-month bank statement
  • Updated client information


Below is sample of  IRCC letter which sent to one of our client profile

Follow-up Application in the Federal Court

Each application is assigned a unique file number. You can easily track your application on the Federal Court website by searching for this file number. The result, as shown in the picture below, provides all the details. 

For more information about how to search for file numbers please read below article .

Answers to Your Questions

How does the involvement of a lawyer like Mr. Dami enhance the chances of success in a Judicial review?

Having  Mr. Oluwadamilola Asuni ( Dami) , an expert in Judicial review, increases your chances of success. With a proven track record of handling hundreds of cases, his expertise and experience are invaluable assets to your case.

How long does the entire Judicial review process typically take from start to finish?

The judicial review process duration varies, but on average, our clients receive settlement letters within approximately 4 months, though this can differ based on individual circumstances.

What are the potential outcomes of a successful Judicial review for my visa application?

Our experience handling hundreds of judicial review cases demonstrates that after a successful Judicial Review, your chances of obtaining your visa significantly increase.


In what ways can Crest Attorneys provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the judicial review process?

At Crest Attorneys, we offer continuous support and guidance throughout the entire Judicial review process. We keep you informed with regular updates and provide assistance through various channels like WhatsApp and follow-up forms to ensure your peace of mind and confidence in our services.